The nearest sightseeings to Ulaanbaatar

Most people have no time to see many attractions in their plan who head for Russia or China. So some of them just do day or couple days trip in UB or near by city. So if you wish to be enjoyed in the nature to feel  what you expected about Mongolia. You had better to go to the national parks “Khustai" and “Terelj”. Khustai national park focuses on increasing numbers of takhi /wild horses/, and preserving their wildness in the pure nature and also other wild animals such as deers,marmots, species of birds and plants. Khustai national park has been preserving multiple positive measures for supporting ecotourism. The national park is only 97km from Ulaanbaatar there is luxurious tourist capms, restaurants, museums, souvenir shops.

Another attraction is terelj natonal park. Terelj is only 65km from Ulaanbaatar. The national park is surrounded by amazing combinations of nature such as forestous rocky mountains, many little rivers. The most interesting is that rocks show us incredible shapes of animals such as camel, bear, image of a person reading a book on the rock…etc. it seemed  to be very meaningfull. There we could do many kinds of acitivities and fun such as horseriding, camelriding, do zipline on air, walking on the moving bridge, rock climbing, dogsledding, horsesledding and hiking …etc. it is really enjoyfull spot. There is kinds of accomodations such as ger camps, yurts, wooden houses, nomadic gers and hotels.

But negative thing is that these days various of business has been growing up and constracting I’m afraid of that would become typical city.